Channel: Tim Peake – AMSAT-UK
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ARISS contact planned for school in Norwich, UK

Tracking Tim Peake and radio technology workshop at City of Norwich School Ground Control Day with Norfolk Amateur Radio Club

Tracking Tim Peake and radio technology workshop held February 12 at the City of Norwich School Ground Control Day with Norfolk Amateur Radio Club

On Friday, February 26, 2016, at approximately 14:40 UT, an ARISS contact is planned between UK astronaut Tim Peake GB1SS and the City of Norwich School GB2CNS.

The International Space Station (ISS) signal will be audible over the British Isles and Europe on 145.800 MHz FM and streamed live on the ARISS Principia website.

UK astronaut Tim Peake KG5BVI / GB1SS

UK astronaut Tim Peake KG5BVI / GB1SS

School presentation:

This contact is a collaborative project between three schools in Norfolk and their local university, UEA. Norwich School employ an Ogden Trust Teaching Fellow whose job is 50% dedicated to Physics outreach and she has led the project.

City of Norwich School (CNS) are hosting the link up. Reepham High School have an observatory on site and are hosting a ‘spot the station’ event.

36 schools have signed up to be a part of all we have planned and have each received an age-appropriate radio kit for use in lessons and clubs funded by RCUK through the UEA.

Students will ask as many of the following questions as time allows.

Principia Mission Patch

Principia Mission Patch

1. Maddy (Aged 13):  What do you do if you cut yourself really badly in space?
2. Austin (Aged 16):  Are there any protocols or guidance in place if George Clooney comes knocking on the front door as he did in the film Gravity?
3. Sophie (Aged 13):  What experiment would you like to add to the program based on the experiences you have had?
4. Max (Aged 11):  Do you notice that you are missing natural sunlight and fresh air and in what ways is this affecting you?
5. TBD (Aged 11):  How do you get changed in space, won’t your clothes go everywhere?
6. Eden (Aged 12):  One of the experiments you are conducting in space is to measure fluid shifts in the body, how does this help us back on Earth?
7. Thomas (Aged 14):  Do you think there will be a jump in the design of spacecraft as many are now old?
8. Emily (Aged 13):  How different was the training compared to actually going into space?
9. Millie (Aged 15):  Do you think the experiments carried out in space will increase in number as the technology improves or will there be technology to recreate this environment on Earth?
10. Erin (Aged 16):  Which materials being developed with the electromagnetic levitator will have the largest impact on the development of greener living?
11. Lola (Aged 11):  Since being in space have your dreams been different to those on earth?
12. TBD (Aged 11):  If everyone in Britain turned their lights on and off at the same time, would you see it?
13. Ella (Aged 17):  Which part of the Earth do you like orbiting over the most and why?
14. Amy (Aged 16):  I understand that you experience sunrise and sunset sixteen times a day on board the ISS, are you aware of it and does it affect your body clock?
15. Mimi (Aged 11):  Do you feel insignificant up in space because perhaps there may be life beyond our planet?
16. Bruno (Aged 15):  Is there a song or a piece of art that you think reproduces the feeling of being in a non-gravity zone, if so which one?
17. Aruneesh (Aged 14):  Do you play any anti-gravity sport up in space?
18. TBD (Aged 12):  If you could live on or explore any planet, which would it be and why?
19. James (Aged 10):  If you were allowed to change one feature of a planet, which one would it be and why?
20. Tom (Aged 14):  As a plane ascends in the atmosphere, we are told to blow our noses or swallow to minimise pain. How do you deal with this with the g-force you experience in the rocket?

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crew members onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crew members on ISS can energize youngsters’ interest in science, technology and learning.

73, Gaston Bertels, ON4WF
ARISS mentor

Norwich School Ground Control Day http://amsat-uk.org/2016/02/15/norwich-school-ground-control-day/

ARISS Principia site https://principia.ariss.org/

UK ARISS scheduled schools

What is Amateur Radio? http://www.essexham.co.uk/what-is-amateur-radio

Find an amateur radio training course near you https://thersgb.org/services/coursefinder/

A free booklet is available aimed at introducing newcomers to the hobby that can also be used as a handy reference while getting started, see

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