![Tim Peake HamTV at RMSforGirls - Credit Sian Cleaver](http://ukamsat.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/tim-peake-hamtv-at-rmsforgirls-credit-sian-cleaver.jpg?w=593)
Tim Peake used HamTV to talk to students – Credit Sian Cleaver
On April 7 to celebrate the 44th birthday of astronaut Tim Peake the UK Space Agency published their 10 favourite moments from his Principia mission – Amateur Radio was number 7
The UKSA say “Five schools have held amateur radio call to Tim as he passes over the UK aboard the ISS. In a world first at a school, video was streamed over the radio airwaves which meant that the students could see as well as hear. We’re looking forward to the next five calls coming up over the coming weeks.”
Read UKSA Happy Birthday Tim! https://principia.org.uk/news/happy-birthday-tim/
Listening to the ISS on a handheld radio https://amsat-uk.org/2016/01/10/listening-iss-on-handheld/
Get press publicity by receiving ISS school contacts
What is Amateur Radio? http://www.essexham.co.uk/what-is-amateur-radio
Find an amateur radio training course near you https://thersgb.org/services/coursefinder/
A free booklet is available aimed at introducing newcomers to the hobby that can also be used as a handy reference while getting started, see